The first day of school and I'm not sure how Logan plans to get through the day
without getting his "J's" dirty. He started with paper towels, what a dork!
Headed to 8th grade and even got a ride from his friends nice Mom
I say ride the bus
Samuel apparently didn't want to wait for me to get up to get his picture taken on the first day so he took matters into his own hands.
I made him ditch the Fish Lake hat
He's off to 3rd grade
and Ella bella is off to rule the school in 6th
Next year will be awesome with 2 kids each in two schools
Two start times? What will I do with myself
Heidi had a new baby girl and named her Sophie so I dusted off my embroidery needles and made her a little monogram frame. I'm crafty like that. I actually love embroidery and need to do it more. It's very relaxing, except when you poke your finger......repeatedly.
Cascade Springs
As a kid we used to spend a lot of evenings and weekends taking
drives to various places. My Dad loves to drive.
I had remembered this little place Sarah referred to as "Barbie wonderland"
when she was a young dork so we invited Carri and the Harmons and headed out after church.
Stupid 4 Oclock church mind you.
Ella and Brin are kind of too cool to even stay by us so they wander sort of away in their own cool sphere |
This was our crew of kids minus Logan who was screw balling around somewhere I'm sure
Oh and Carri
Dave has a bum chin and I don't know what he is doing in this picture
so I'll just assume he was trying to be modest by covering up
Quite the motley crew
These girls adore Carri and she is a great little Auntie to all of them
Always a good sport for their antics, or her own
Trying to take a cute pic of Carri and we got something quite unexpected
This kids cracks me up when I don't want to kill him
He did ruin Harmons family pic of just their kids moments before this
This is my favorite good picture of the day I think
Logan isn't being too weird and Ella didn't do fake smile
He's just naturally kind of a punk
I think Luke mistook this for an interpretive dance studio
It was quite spacious inside
I do not have a clue what prompted this inhale the toilets
exhale to the mountains spiritual experience they were having
Some kind of a cleanse I reckon
Carri is from Kanab
No other explanation needed
Angi told me the other day that her good luck had rubbed off on us
and now look, it has transferred over to the Harmons.
We are all so lucky to be friends.
Speaking of luck, I was lucky enough to get a Staph infection in my finger
that quickly spread into my blood
and allows me to flip the bird without seeming rude
They sliced it open to clean it out, I suppose stripes on your hand and arm are frowned upon.
Thank you for poking your finger repeatedly for Sophie ;) That turned out so so cute.
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