I'm not a super fan of Valentines Day. I don't hate it, it's just not in my top 100 days. I went to work at 4 a.m. because I work at Kneaders and I guess Valentines day means make of pig of your loved one with baked goods. It was fine but a 9 hr day. Dave brought the kids in to eat but I only could say hi for a minute since the more I take a break the longer I have to stay there.
To my lovely surprise when I got home my whole house was clean. Dave put the kids to work in payment for the food he just bought them. Maybe, I do like Valentines after all.............
It's been a long week and many hours were spent on our YW fundraiser. It's a good experience but only because I love the ladies I get to work with. I like cooking but 900 oreo truffles is outside the realm of fun.
Sam wanted to do his school fundraiser and I HATE fundraisers so I told him I would help him 0%. He did it anyway and really what was I thinking? That kid needs no help from parents to charm others into shelling out dollar bills. The first two hours he sold all 60 candy bars. I just got told that he should be in the gifted dual immersion program. Is is bad that I don't think I will put him in it? I just want him to be able to be little and enjoy school being easy for a while before it's time to grow up and things get harder.
Life is fairly boring around here minus the laughs we get out of these kids. I can go for boring for a while. I just was looking at some pics of my kids when they were little so I'm doing a throwback with photos.

Logan: says he's black all the time and wishes he was black because he's determined he would then be qualified to be in the NBA. He sings non stop and is certain he sings well so he's no where near shy about it. He is still heavy in basketball and starting to lose interest in soccer. Sadly I think he wants to trade up to football. That stresses me out and I don't really know the rules to football ugh...time to learn. He is doing well in school but I get the sneaking suspicion he drives the teachers crazy. You already have to be crazy to teach Jr. High so I guess it doesn't matter. This pic is as black as this white boy is gonna get.
Ella is starting to be a teenager in what she likes to do. I swear its dolls one day and the next day it's gone. She's super good at school and is a very nice friend to everyone. I have my suspicions that she is starting to like certain boys though and I don't like that very much at all. She swims a lot still and does clogging although she told me the other day that she doesn't want to clog next year. This {sadly} will be my last year listening to the clippity clop of clog shoes for hours on end. I'm not a dancey person therefore I don't quite enjoy it as much as, say, a sport (: but I do love watching each of my kids do the things they love whether I understand them or not.
Sam is really into reading right now and will read anything he can get his tiny little hands on. He went through the whole Roald Dahl series in a few weeks. One night he was telling me he wanted a thousand minutes that month and as I was walking out of the room he was giggling to himself about how proud he was of himself. He's not cocky but just super duper confident. He's not one of those kids that is arrogant about it though so I don't ever feel the need to knock him down a few pegs. He is growing like crazy right now although it's hard to believe. He is one of those kids w/the growing pain issues. I remember those leg pains like it was yesterday. I think I should still be having them at the rate I grow. He just started Cub scouts and was dorking it up to fit right in w/the program.
Neve is still the spit fire. She even spits sometimes too. Mostly she scratches and we are trying to tame the beast in her. She's the little girl w/the curl. She dances and is loving that......sigh.....but it's her thing and I like watching her do her thing. She just tries to be as big as the other kids and is the worst about going to bed and staying in her OWN bed all night. Exhausted, working early Mom doesn't bother putting her back anymore. She keeps Dave warm and cramped on his small sliver of bed I let him have. She's a smartie too and will go to kindergarten at the school by our house but will go into the dual immersion program in fall 2015 with Sam. We will have 2 kids in 2 schools for a minute instead of this 4 kids in 4 schools crap. I am not however looking forward to the kindergarten drop off/pick up for a year. But, I do still want those 1/2 days w/just her and me for a year longer. She's the sweetest girl from twelve to three.
Neve drew this in preschool. It's a keeper!
Anyway, Gary the lizard died and Neve was sad for one minute. He lived longer than we were told he would so Logan (April) is very good at taking care of pets, even one's they never wanted.
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