Neve says "I wish I was still a baby so I couldn't be mean!"
Geez, don't get behind on your blogging because it takes more time to get all the pictures in order than it does to actually blog. Lesson learned. It's been an interesting month for my family.
I started working at Kneaders. I am an assistant pastry chef or as I say Assistant to the Pastry Chef. I like the work but the hours are early so that is quite an adjustment.
Some mornings Dave bribes Neve to get ready for preschool w/chocolate milk, doughnuts, or other various treats. He's gott a do what he's gotta do. He has also had to learn to do her hair which is pretty easy since she is a freak show and will barely let you even brush it. So she gets the brush and go look.
My cute little Ella turned 11 on 9/11
Logan and Ella are still like this, they always really like each other at bedtime, even if in they day they can't stand each other. (:
She got to take a few friends somewhere fun since I don't do parties every year......gasp.
Her friends are just as tweener as she is so I guess all their parents are struggling w/the loss of their little girls just like I am.
We went to Airborne and Carri came with to keep me company but we ended up paying and joining the girls in fun. It was much harder than I remember. I fell and made a disaster of myself but that is nothing new. We decided we were nicer adults than the boring ones sitting at the tables being lame and not jumping. Maybe they have weak bladders. I shouldn't judge.We did her cake and ice cream on the Sunday after her Birthday since we couldn't make it happen any other time. I think she was most excited that Amy and Harold were coming. All the girls love Amy. Must be her good looks and winning personality.
Ella was in charge of my Mom's plants while they went to my Dads crazy family reunion and I went with her and envied her yard. One day I tell myself, One day......
I drove to get some gas after a soccer game and saw why Carri lets all the kids ride home with her from places. She uses them for free labor while she sits on her butt in the car. Why do the kids not love their mothers when she asks them to do chores? But when Carri asks............Neve had a very bad ending to a soccer game. It was a torrential storm and I parked far away. I took a photo of me too but sadly forgot I had on a white shirt so delete it went.
This cute little football fan came to see us for a while and we miss him already. He's a stander just like Logan was so it makes it hard to hold him but it made me smile at the memory. We offered to keep him but his Mom said no.
This was my poor Ella as we drove away from the Petterssons getting into their cars to return to Idaho. I never saw her face but know too well that she is too much like me and that she was crying but not wanting me to know and trying to get it under control. I'll be honest I started to cry too and it wasn't just because she was. I miss Angi. I miss the kids too but mostly I miss her. She's one of my few best friends and will always be. Phone calls and email just doesn't cut it. I really hate not being right there to watch Golden grow every day. I never hug Angi when she leaves but I hope she knows It's just because I can't handle such things.
So I was having one of those days after work that I just thought of how old Neve is getting and how quickly she will not be a little girl anymore. So she asked if she could brush my hair and instead of telling her just a minute or I'm in the middle of something I let her. She did it for an hour and I have to say she is pretty soft. Poor girl didn't get a Mother that shares that trait which is part of the reason she hates her hair brushed I'm guessing. She really liked it when I was looking at it in the mirror. Can you tell?
We took the YW to the church history museum and I just cannot get over this terrible painting.
Karen did an activity w/the Laurels where we made cakes depicting BOM stories. I was showing the girls why the people were so bad. I'm pretty sure after watching my display they will not dare to do drugs. I mean have you ever smoked a sprig of mint? They got the point. Sometimes they think their leaders are on drugs. And sometimes those leaders are.....but they are legal and necessary and aren't the kind that would explain our odd behavior anyway.
Soccer is getting pretty cold for 4 year olds
I posted this picture because I don't know who took it but it made me realize how old Adam is starting to look. It's a good picture of him, he just looks old to me.
My Baby boy turned into a teen
He's a pain in the butt and funny and obnoxious and smart and stubborn and mostly a good kid so I suppose if we have lasted this long we will keep him. He chose dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and cakes from Kneaders. I bought them so I wouldn't have to make them but then was reminded that I did actually have to make them because of my above mentioned new job.....duh.
Did you read the obnoxious part?
I hope we don't get robbed after I post this large sum of money on my blog.
I found this shirt funny since we just barely went over what Mr. Rogers was a week or so ago when I pulled one up on youtube and Mr. Rogers pulled out a cassette player and pushed eject and the tape popped out and Logan said "What's that?"
My favorite Month has arrived so I decided that I will be in a good mood for 31 days straight.
Logan got a late birthday gift. He hurt his foot a few weeks ago and I thought it was just tweaked. It just wasn't getting better and he hadn't played soccer in weeks so we took him in to the Dr. and
A broken 5th metatarsal. Discouraging when it's not quite the end of soccer season and almost the beginning of basketball season.

We decided to take the kids to the canyon to see the leaves and have a picnic after General Conference. Since it is cold I made soup and had bread bowls so I figured it was portable enough and we went and ate in Millcreek canyon in the balmy 45 degree weather with little piles of snow everywhere. I thought the temperature was lovely and so did Ella but everyone else, even newly turned granny Dave thought it was a bit too cold. Logan is yelling at me that he wasn't cold either so now you know he was not cold either. Got it on here Logan in case all your friends read this and think you aren't a real Man.
Now I will retire from blogging for a bit and plan some Halloween parties.
Love your blog and it's blogger. I always laugh and feel better when I read it.
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