Sunday, January 1, 2012

Grody to the Max

So I thought I would start this to be Christmas post w/something that makes me sick.  I think it every time I see one and just realized it about myself the other day.  I get such a sick feeling like if I were eating something I would have to immediately stop for fear of barfing.   I hate random mattresses!   I think my hatred and phobia is worse than my phobia of crumbs and old refrigerator condiments.   Whenever I see people moving I get so sickened if I see a mattress in the back of their truck, especially if it is a Queen or King one.  I hate seeing them on the curb for bulk trash and I feel sorrow for the guys who will have to touch it.   One time in college Dave and his roommates had a mattress they found on the side of the road they used to lounge in their living room on.  I refused to lay on that thing or even touch it w/my bare skin.   I think I felt like I needed Flea Bag Protection.   Still do when it comes to random mattresses.  I'm weird about blankets too.
Anyway, enough about me
My kids always get an ornament on Christmas Eve and this time I wised up and had the year printed right on them so I don't have to write it w/marker somewhere not noticeable later.

On Christmas Eve we invited the Grandmas and Grandpas over for dinner and to spend the evening w/us which always includes Mr. Kruegers Christmas (I didn't cry this year-might be a first)
Anyway we had ribs and lots of good food but this year Ella asked them all what their favorite Christmas food is.
 Grandma H.-Cheese soup
Grandpa H.-Steamed Pudding
Grandma B.-Fruitcake (GAG!)
Grandpa B.-Carrot Pudding
Adam-Likes all food if it doesn't have nuts or coconut.
Logan played a Christmas song on his clarinet and didn't honk it a single time, which was surprising.
Ella played Silver Bells very well and could actually play it without the music.  She is getting pretty good at the piano.
 Sam just entertains w/his sheer good looks!

Christmas Morning 2011
The kids waiting on Christmas morning.
Logan didn't ask for anything this year and just wanted to be surprised.
He got Skylanders and a Nook.  Slam dunk Santa!
 Ella asked for Kanani (she wanted her ever since Dave and I went to Hawaii last year) and I bet you can't tell by this hilarious face that she got exactly what she asked for plus a jeep for the doll too.  I will admit that Kanani might just be my favorite AG doll too.  Love that brown skin!
 Sam got Imiginext CARS 2 toys and a 3DS.   Which also came w/some Skylanders so maybe they could finally have something the right ages they could play together.  They are loving it!
 Neve got more Calico Critters that she didn't ask for but really all she asked for was a Dog house so whatcha gonna do?  I love them and Santa made my dreams for her come true!

 Dave bought me more than I bought him as usual but I think he plans it that way so its all good.  I found my orange camera and he bought me a new orange shuffle to replace my stolen one.  He also bough me a Nook w/an orange cover so if you find any orange things, feel free to just assume they are mine!


Mitzi said...

This post is cracking me up. But yeah, the first thing to go in our new home this summer is the mattress that is there. Even if its his grandparents old one..still. Blech.

Aimee said...

Love the matching pj's. And I'm glad you found your camera. I've been stressed about that for a while now. Sam is one charming little bugger!

The old mattress in Daves apt doesn't surprise me but does make me gag.

Anonymous said...

Jack got the same pi's for Christmas Eve! Funny :)

Jared always spoils me more than I do him, but I have boobs so I will always win!

You should live in a bubble.

Lisa said...

why did you make your mom wear a box on her head during Logans playing? or she is just not that into it? not nice at all!!!
good christmas times!!!

Hendricksonblog said...

Holy crap that does look like a box on her head. Its his song book that Dave is holding out in front of him. Lol, I wanted to wear a box on my head during the schools band and orchestra performance.

Best Song lyrics ever
