Sunday, September 18, 2011

All together we're 381 years old. We don't wait

  Ellas actual birthday.  I thought I better hurry and get it on here before Logans B-day arrives.
She wanted the costco chocolate cake, I think after some of my cake disasters my kids wised up and go for taste vs. fun looking cakes.
I put 8 candles on her cake and luckily Norma noticed and corrected my mistake.
8 was last year, duh!
Me pretending to burn her
 Sam gave her this jogging outfit for her new A.G. doll
and Neve gave her an A.G. cat
Neve would tell her what every present was before Ella opened them
 The cutest little desk I have ever seen and the text book actually has information and knowledge in the cutest mini form you have ever seen.  If you don't love mini stuff you won't appreciate these.  Now I have to track down some mini pencils for that mini pencil box/folder and tests.
Logan gave her this chalkboard that rolls up and you can take in anywhere.  
Neve promptly threw the chalk to it in the garbage after taking a bite out if it.


Kristin said...

Yes! I love mini things! And so helpful of Neve, to taste Ella's chalk for her. lol But happy birthday, Ella!

Lisa said...

I love your clock!!! Did you take that picture like that just for me? I almost couldn't take my eyes way to look at Ella!!
Let the busy months for you begin!!
Good luck.

Hendricksonblog said...

yes, my clock obsession friend, I did! or is it not normal to put the people in your photos at the very bottom? lol

Anonymous said...

I say clock first!

Happy Birthday little 9/11 girl! I love the American Girl stuff. I will keep my eyes open for mini pencils. Too bad there is no Pic N Save!

Best Song lyrics ever
