Sunday, January 16, 2011

Then shall I bow in humble adoration

We were having fhe tonight and Dave was teaching it (I love pawning that off on him). Sam always raises his hand when he knows the answer. That makes me laugh! anyway Neve kept asking me where scissors were and I just kept saying "yep" or "yeah thats nice" and she seemed to be okay w/those answers. She kept walking out of the room and then coming back in. Well when we were done and came up to have treats I realized by the look of the pan of brownies what she had been asking for scissors for. She had wanted to "cut" the brownies. I never answered her how she liked so she took the liberty of getting a fork out of the drawer and having dessert while we were all learning about God and such. I should have taken a picture. Either way brownies are still good so we enjoyed them, holes in the middle and all!

Sam told me yesterday when Neve turns 3 that he will teach her hard words like "windshield and fence and heater and God" I asked him "why God?" he said "because we should always remember him and God is the most important word". I said did you learn that in primary and he said "nope from you and dad" . Well I don't remember ever saying that but hey good on us! pat pat pat
What a kid! Today he ate a baked bean.......yes, just one and three little shreds of meat. We bribed him w/his dessert and that kid cannot live w/out chocolate in one day. Baby step for this kid trying food that isn't a refined carbohydrate or a chocolate milk.....frustrating, hair pulling out, baby steps.

I decided today that given this new calling I could cut at least half the stuff off my calendar if I stopped being a Mormon. Just a thought. (a joking thought in case u were about to be offended)


Aimee said...

Oh Sam. He could probably teach the lessons at fhe. I don't know why you give that to Dave when really Sam is more than capable of teaching. I know I could learn a few things from him.

It's a good thing we have little Sam's to tell us that God is the most important or we might really be tempted to wipe the calendar clean.

The Royals said...

Neve is so funny! And we stopped being Mormon's for a while. Wouldn't recommend it. Although, your kids are still little, so it might make Sunday's easier for you. Just sayin' ;)

Julia said...

I'm impressed that Neve only shred the brownies. At her age, I would have polished them off. Actually, I guess I still would at 33.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like when I feed the Jack, he will never be big.

Kudos for Dave!

DJ and Gin Family said...

If we weren't mormons, we would either be gross fat from laying around in all of our spare time, or super skinny and ripped from woking out in all of our extra time. Good thing our kids keep us on the straight and narrow. That Sam can come be my only boy...

Noslo Family said...

Sam is so cute in Singing Time. He must really listen because he always knows the answers! As for the Mormon thing I once asked Chris if we could get an unlisted number in the ward directory.

Best Song lyrics ever
