Friday, April 27, 2012

I left my wife and 49 children in the land of starvation w/out any gingerbread

I don't know that I have ever been so lame in blogging but here's a month in a nutshell starting from most recent.  I stole an idea off the intra-net pinterest machine  and used it to do a self image night for the YW.  Luckily Karen had something whipped up for the beginning and I have an artsy sister that was willing to come help the girls do this.  I ran around picking up items for this project which is the extent of my ability in the art department. (Thanks Nellie, who will never read this but Chloe might and she can tell her)

 At first I was going to only show a photo of Chloe since I assume that is Okay since she's my niece but then I decided that these all turned out so good I had to show them off and take my chances at getting in trouble for putting up pics of other people's kids.  I avoided it where I could.  Keep in mind these guys were only told how to do these and they did them all by themselves.  I was so impressed!

 Right before this big project I had Ella's homework to work on.   I always love childrens projects that are really for parents to do.  This one actually encouraged the help of parents which makes me obligated, unlike Reflections when I can just claim its against the rules for me to even touch it.   Ella knew the location of all the labeled areas by the time it was finished so I hope she accomplished what they had hoped.
 Right before this the weather was super warm and unseasonably dry so the kids were porch monkeys for a week while I did yard work and worked to keep the lawn alive until the Water Co. decided to turn on the secondary water.  Boy would my dad have a fit if someone else had control of his water this way.  LOL
 Right before this Logan got me in hot water w/the neighbor behind us because a rogue water balloon hit her mothers house and I think she might be worried that water either stains or she might melt.  The latter might be true.  We had a good interaction where she resorted to name calling and pulling up her shirt at us plus flipping the bird (note to others: When someone who is mad flips you off, Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT Wave and smile at them.  It makes them explode right in front of you).  I still have good jokes about crazy lady behind me.
 Right in the middle of here somewhere Matt and Angi and kids came to visit but we were having so much fun we didn't take any photos so no one would get jealous.  ha ha  They can get jealous of us going to have dinner at the Sugarhouse BBQ company.  Delish even if the waiter was weird.

 Right now is the Dreaded Easter pics.  I used to think people just had a beastly kid or had no control over their kids until I had my own and realized these pics are impossible.  Someone is always uncooperative and that someone the last two years is THIS ONE
 This is his self portrait that was going to be all I got.  
He hunted down my camera for a few days to try to delete all the next photos.  
He was so steaming mad!  No one tell him they saw these on here either.  
 He was determined not to have his Easter shirt showing.
So this year is a photo of 3 of my kids to match last year.
okay so my pics got a little out of order here and I'm too tired to change it so....
The Saturday Right before this was our 4th Annual Neighborhood Easter Egg hunt 
(I think 4th)
Which is at least four years of Lisa and Keri owning these sweatshirts.  Mine is new!  Nellie is always freezing while hiding eggs, of course she is always cold.  Too skinny I say, just to make myself feel better.  It doesn't really work!  Jeremiah and Rick also helped hide but no photos of them.  Johnsons also begged more baked goods off of KIWI bakery in Magna so that was awesome as usual.
McKel was a dear and helped us hide eggs.  I love this girl!
 Dave has to be in charge of kids since I am in charge of gold and silver egg finders prizes.
I think only one parent/grandparent helped a child this year.  
There's always next year!
 Sam just comes for the food!

Ella and Emma
The crowd.  I think we had about 1500 eggs this year which is down a couple hundred from last year but lots of different people this time too so that was good.  I hope it helps us get to know people around here better otherwise I'm not sure why we do it.  Maybe because we are looney!
 Dave also had a Birthday in there somewhere but we went to Hawaii right in between our birthdays so we deprived ourselves of any other extravagances.  ha ha.... minus all the new bikes in the garage.

I sold my first thing on KSL today.   Logan told me I am a sucky sales person and sell things for too cheap.  He was giving me the ins and outs of pricing things high and then haggling.  He might be right since I sold a bike trailer in like 3 minutes.  I try to let them (Logan and Dave) realize that I usually just give crap away so at least I'm getting something for it but they don't agree.   I'm really struggling not to just give the people who are coming to buy Ellas old bike tomorrow the thing for free instead.  I just have a hard time making people pay for something I'm not using anyway!  Yeah, they have a point, I'll admit it, I suck at sales!   But, I'm really good at gives if that counts for anything.


Hernandez Family said...

Ella's map looks amazing! I also hate these kinds of projects!

Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

I am the exact same way about selling things! I ended up with 2 halloween costumes for Liam one year. 1 I had purchased off amazon and it was gently used. I got it and it smelled so bad and was really ratty. I coudn't return but I didn't want baby Liam wearing it. So I posted the thing on KSL for like $30 (Tom Arna bear costume). When the lady came to pick it up and pay for it I felt so bad it was used (even though my listing stated so), that I gave it to her for free and told her to pass it on to another kid after her son wore it. I don't think I'd ever sell anything off KSL again. I suck.

Lisa said...

to bad for me you dont have a double running stroller just lying around your garage to sell for free to me. but i am the same. i just want the crap out of my house. a few bucks gone quick is better than having to hold on to it for a longer time. That was a great month recap. And I like your kids Easter clothes.

Aimee said...

That's s fun project for the yw! I love how the all turned out! Way to use pinterest for yw activity ideas. I'm all about that. I will take your free items and sell them on ksl... I'm good at it. I'm with Logan. A little haggling never hurts. Lots of cute pics .. I love the Easter pics of your kids. So funny. Ella looks so pretty in that color!

Maybe you should invite crazy neighbor behind you to our egg hunt next year. Ha ha!!

Mama H. said...

Great YW activity. I bet the girls will hold onto those. I have a sweatshirt like Lisa's and I can see why she likes to wear it.

Best Song lyrics ever
