Thursday, February 2, 2012

Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today

I just had a great conversation w/Logan and Sam.  Sam was hating that I had to check him out a little early to take Logan to the Dr. because he was working on a Statue of Liberty.  I asked him why they were making those on Groundhog day.  He then asked what Groundhog Day was and I was stuck trying to explain something I don't even really understand the logic behind.  I told him its just a myth and he said "uh yeah duh cause like winter is never over until its over anyway so that doesn't even make sense, it's just a LIE!"   I laughed and then said that maybe the groundhog would see his shadow today because the car in front of us has a shadow (it is very overcast today and I am not even sure how the car had a shadow at that moment) and Logan said "yeah but we aren't in Pennsylvania".  I said "What?" and he said "that is where the Groundhog is, in Pennsylvania."   I informed him that I didn't know that and he looked pretty proud of himself.

Pinterest saved my butt yesterday.  Well and this lovely lady and her blog .   I had to come up w/a Young Women activity and  fast.  The month sneaked up on me (don't know if anyone else felt that way).    It ended up being a little harder than I planned on and there is a bit of a learning curve but they turned out pretty cute.  All the girls used different words or hearts or whatever they wanted.  Definitely not a child craft though.

I just don't know how my Mom did it all those years w/out Pinterest or even the internet for that matter.  Poor suckers had to come up w/all the ideas themselves.  I already feel pretty swamped, especially this week w/YW (fundraiser picture above) and I cannot imagine if I didn't have all these tools at my disposal.  I probably would have said "no" to the calling even though I wanted to anyway.  I don't like being bossy!
I am going out of town just in time for all the poor other YW leaders to have to make all these Truffles and pretzels.  I am still feeling bad about that.  They may curse my name for this idea but I will just blame Keri for introducing these little balls of heaven to us!


Natalie said...

Before Pinterest and the internet, I think YW leaders did less-involved stuff.

I miss my YW, but not being in YW. Ten years was a good stint, and I dare say I'm enjoying RS. I can't beleive it.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that you have never watched the movie "Groundhog day? Reallly?

Hendricksonblog said...

No, I have but my brain only has room to retain the most applicable things in my life at the moment. Dave also made fun of me that I knew nothing of Pennsylvania.

Chad said...

I watch Groundhog Day yearly. Groundhog day is a christian based holiday that follows a legend that says hibernating animals come out of hibernation to judge how much longer they needed to sleep. It became the legend that it also determined how much longer winter would last. The tradition goes back to 1897 or so, and some say that the official groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil is the official groundhog. Those that follow Phil closely will tell you he is never wrong. Your boy was right, Punxsutawney is indeed in Pennsylvania. You really should watch the movie again. Its a classic.

Chad said...

PS- are you going out of town to Cali?

Hendricksonblog said...

Nope, Florida....The world this time!

Chad said...

I so hate you right now.

Hendricksonblog said...

I thought you were going? This year right?

Anonymous said...

How can we plan a dinner if you two are fighting?

Aimee said...

Leave it to Chad to comment on the history of the groundhog. I knew he would. I would have been disappointed if he hadn't. He had that movie memorized.

I'm laughing at Carri making truffles. Dunno why that is so funny to me. Is she domestic? Ha ha.

Hendricksonblog said...

The reason I took the pics is so she could prove it to her mom.

Angie, we will sit on opposite ends of the table. That reminds me of when we went to eat one time and Rebecca was pregnant for the first time and only wanted milk w/her food and they didn't have milk and she was mad. Having had been pregnant I felt bad for her.
random comment but I think that might be the last time Chad and I broke bread together.

Chad said...

We nixed the FL trip until our youngest is a bit older, so she can remember it best.

I don't remember the last time I have seen any of you, so it must be time for something together right?

Anonymous said...

Chad you are the chubby polynesian kid from school right?

Chad said...

Chubby yes. Not then, now. Polynesian not then or now. School. Yes, then not now.

Natalie said...

I just want to know what the "little balls of heaven" are??

Hendricksonblog said...

Oreo truffles

Best Song lyrics ever
