Monday, March 31, 2008

Took Some Skinheads Bowling!!!

Nellie came for Easter this year and she usually doesnt, it worked out good because mine and Susans kids were out on Monday after Easter....We werent too worried about Amys since she lets them miss anytime something else sounds better (you have to admit thats true Amy). Sarah didnt attend since she moved to Idaho and didnt want to spend the money on gas, or maybe she said she had gas. I dont remember. We went to the park after and took mounds of candy (Im not sure why), ate it all and then left after making Nellie pee her pants and she blamed me and a few minor injuries. Self inflicted on Buff and I never could figure out what happened to the Catmulls but the blood was minor so Susan didnt seem concerned. All in all we had fun. Oh and I forgot to mention that I splattered Salsa all over my shirt (all in the breast area of course) and Handy Dandy Susan had this great tide pen in her purse and it took it right out so I ran out and got one the next day. I would recommend that purchase ASAP unless Susan is going with you. Lastly, all of you who do that purse content aint seen nothin' until you've seen hers.

Finlay at a moment when he decided not to run away and Sam who takes his M&Ms very seriously.

Chloe, Buffy (Bethany), Sydney, & Ella obviously having a good time, you can tell by Ellas face!
Elijah, Logan, Josh, Nick, Quinn
I found the song title I used to be ironic since everyones kids(even boys) have mops and mops of hair except mine.
Samuel had some serious sweaty hands after his turn.


Susan Catmull said...

April I need you to write my journaling for me on my scrapbook pages. You always make me laugh and you are always dead on with what is going on. You can come to my crop next time and just sit and entertain us with your wit.(No seriously my next crop is April 11th)
It was fun for us sisters hopfully it was fun for the kids too.

Mama H. said...

I agree with Susan...April should be a writer. I love the blog because it helps me get my grandkid fix more often. I thought Sarah moved to northern Utah. Heather told me about the bleach pens and they are great. She originally bought hers to take care of a stain in her new (at the time) kitchen sink.

Heather said...

Ha're so funny April! It looks like you guys had a fun time. And I love those Tide pens, but I never think to put one in my purse. I'll have to do that.

Sarah Lee said...

I'm glad you had fun... I didn't come because the kids i had didn't want to (Faye, Daffy, and Keenan). But I will admit, it was fine with me, so I didn't have to spend $100 on gas to go out to Tooly! I do live in N. Utah Norma, (clearfield), we just like to call it southern Idaho. Do you think one of those pens will take out 1/4 cup of blue paint?

Sarah Lee said...

I forgot to say that Finn kinds looks like the kid from the shining... was his name Billy?

Nichole said...

It sounds like you guys had a HORRIBLE time! It would have been better if I would have been there :) No it sounds like you guys had a really good time! Now I need one of those tide sticks...I am really messy and spill ALL THE TIME!

Amy said...

You do have such a way with words, it's my favorite. Looks like lots of fun, go skinheads go!

Aimee said...

Hey loser! I found yours only 'cause you found mine. Too entertaining! Thanks for sharing.

Best Song lyrics ever
