Sarah came and taught my YW girls how to do fondant cake decorating
I am not very good at such things
I am not very good at such things
I think it is kind of funny that sometimes people do things that they are not good at yet they seem oblivious to the fact that they are not good at it.
I'm pretty aware of my non-strengths and creating is one of them.
Next on my busy work
Lisa & I had a major increase of eggs again
I think we ended up w/1818 eggs this year (once all the really late entries made it to me)
I have issues and insist on tying knots in the baggies & I get mocked by fellow crazy people who do different types of crazy things but wouldn't think of tying knots in bags because that's just for the mentally insane.
I'm really banking on Keri for some decent photos
(and if u r reading this, no it was not u w/the late eggs I repeatedly mention)
I like doing this and I hope all the great helpers do too
But man, I am tired!
P.S. Kiwi Bakery in Magna donated doughnuts to us for this and we loved them before they have been kind to us because their food is good but we love em' more now. I will not tell anyone that their meat pies are to die for. I heard their fish is good too but I do not partake of fish.
P.S.S.-Winnie is one lucky dog and has found most of the eggs the older group didn't.
So, maybe next year I will tie knots for you with the eggs I donate.
PS I didn't even see Sams face when I first looked at the picture. So, fun.
I wish i was in the fondant class. Every time it is birthday cake season and I am doing a crappy job with frosting I think I wish I could do fondant it looks so much easier. But knowing me I would ruin or have a more than difficult time with the fondant too.
Hey I can be a crazy bag lady next year if you want me to be. You just might have to remind me. I am good at my crazy, but can learn to be you crazy too!!
It was a blast.
You are both crazy. And you are both great at your own kind of crazy. And it makes me laugh and I love it. And I love the hunt and the doughnuts and the Lisa on the ladder and the April tying the knots and the Winnie finding the eggs I hid (oops) and the Dave mowing the lawn right before the hunt and the cheaters and the Keri being "teacher" and... I have some great pics I will email to you.
Just much are you out each year with this hunt? If it's more than ten bucks you are the nicest person I know.
Definitely more than 10!
but i am plenty not nice in many other aspects so maybe this helps me get closer to even! LOL
I am not that nice!
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