Saturday, October 2, 2010

Just finishing up the second coat now

Who said that?
Minus one F
That's where we were

Brinlynn, Nevella, SaLog, Chattmin
Neve Still hates this a whole year later
Sam making one last photo op possible. He's good for that.
Keri, never just "letting" the kids win
They have to "earn" it
We got lost in the maze just like last time
and I got blisters from wearing "real people" shoes just like last time
Neve chasing Keri in the maze
While we were lost Lisa said Sam just kept saying
"you guys I know what we need to do we just need to go back to the start"
He was baffled that we were all so stupid and didn't understand his logic
Last year I did a photo
This year, a photo of the photo being taken
I am not the best photographer in case that was in question
Ella was complaining that her ears hurt after playing in the corn
Hope there weren't any wigs in there
The Ear kind
(insert TWSS joke about the Colonel/Kernel)
On to the hayride to pick some pumpkins
This is the rear end of our tractor.
Our driver was one of those fellows that you may think is scary and mean but was actually really sweet and nice. I didn't mind his tattoos but I really really hate gauged ears.
I did keep that to myself (that is the good manners thing to do)
If you look real close you can see that this is a giant mud puddle and we were very nervous that we would get stuck. Mud, Dust, Mud, Dust, Mud.
This driver was crazy though (in his driving skills). It was a much more fun ride than last year.
I wonder if we were really going this fast ?
and if Sam could be a bigger dork ?
I should remember that we have to carry these after we pick them all.
Bigger is not necessarily better in this case
Last but certainly not least we enjoyed the "Haunted" slide
Enter the slide normal, Exit possessed by Satan
No the smear is not what it appears
But it is funny in all the pics
'til we meet again
(hmmm maybe too much Conference?)


dusty kay said...

April! I saw your blog on Jennie's page. I hope you don't mind me stopping by! These pictures are so fun to look at!! Hope you guys are well. It seems forever since I've talked to you! :)

Anonymous said...

I think you need to have a dental hygiene activity for FHE!

Skid marks are always funny and even more when they aren't real poopies!

DJ and Gin Family said...

I agree with Angie on the skid mark thing.
Those old school pictures of your family are AWESOME!! Keri looks exactly like your dad and also like he could be in an old ad for some all american boy, leave it to beaver style. Love it!

Sarah Lee said...

I love Ellas corn teeth. That corn box was cool, i stuck my feet in and it felt goooood!

I think we'll go again sometime since Faye missed out and our kids get in free.

I automatically saw the skids coming from Keri's butt and was going to say it, but then I read it. I guess poo will be funny forever and always.

Best Song lyrics ever
