Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The answer is blowin' in the wind

Snack Time, Logan style

Sam wanted Logan to get him a bowl of cheerios so this is what he had to go through to get his request (he didn't complain though)
Sam has been helping me in the yard today and Finlay came over to play and he said to him "Finlay I'm helping my mom with this hard work but you can watch us" He is actually a pretty hard worker for such a tiny little guy. He worked right along side me for 3 hours without complaint. My cat was laying in the flowers letting her hair blow in the wind and looking as if she was in a shampoo commercial and Sam looked over at her and said "Mom are cats allergic to people?" I said no and he said "then why am I allergic to our cat" I said I don't know and he said "maybe our cat doesn't really like my hazel eyes". And so on and so forth, Chatty Cathy went on talking for those three hours about this and that and every so often asking for affirmation of how hard of workers we both are. Man this kid can talk. It took me a while but I found my ear laying in a clump of grass.
I can see it now on his School progress reports..........Talks too much and for some reason I sneeze every time I look into his eyes.


The Bronson Bunch said...

Thats too funny! What a lively household you have. At least you had company while you were slaving away!

Natalie said...

Hilarious, as always. Chatty Cathy's are the best.

The Royals said...

Tell Sam we enjoyed watching him do yard work today!

Lisa said...

Don't they have something like children labor laws or something from keeping Sam from having to do all your hard work?
Oh and I guess I can't stalk your blog anymore seeing how you are now going to track us all.

Best Song lyrics ever
